Spam Protection

Email is constantly used in business as a primary vehicle of communication. Whether responding to leads, customers, or employees, email exchange is necessary. Unfortunately, one of the primary faults in email communication is the prevalence of spam. If your organization uses only the basic essentials of spam protection, you’re likely not fully protected.

Quarterhorse Technology Inc.'s comprehensive spam protection solution is designed to help your organization eliminate spam before it ever hits your inbox. By deploying our spam protection strategy, you and your team can save time on sifting through piles of useless messages and save your network from additional potential threats.

Eliminate Unnecessary Costs

Free up extra funds for more important avenues of business. Spam is a problem for many organizations without adequate protection. Did you know spam accounts for almost 60% of all emails sent? According to a recent survey, at least $712 is lost per year for each of your employees due to time wasted on dealing with spam. By integrating our spam protection solution, you can increase operational efficiency, worker productivity, and save money.

Mitigate IT Security Risks

Minimize the possibility of stray threats on your network with spam protection. Spam is a primary vehicle of transportation for viruses, malware, spyware, and other risks to your business's cyber security. If your users accidentally open a spam message disguised as a genuine one, it could have a widespread effect on your entire IT infrastructure. Therefore, it’s crucial that you eliminate this potential threat before something slips through your defenses.

Luckily, Quarterhorse Technology Inc. provides cybersecurity solutions to help with this. Our spam protection solution uses intelligent, pre-designed filters to keep suspicious emails from entering your network in the first place. Anything blocked is quarantined for you to review, which ensures you don’t miss an important email.

Take Back Your Workday

Take back wasted work hours by eliminating spam and junk mail. The majority of emails your organization receives are likely spam. Sifting through spam is a waste of your staff’s time and could be much better spent on profitable initiatives. By eliminating spam, you’re essentially giving your company the chance to jump-start operations, improve workflow, and gain a competitive edge.


Email Encryption


Content Filtering